Introducing Alive United, a brand new stock photo supplier providing unique perspectives and artworks to bring every passion to life. Our diverse collection of works and artists with distinct styles sets us apart in the market. Our goal is to elevate awareness of our brand and unique selling proposition. Our target audience includes professionals who regularly use stock photos in their daily work, such as designers, art directors, creatives, and artists.
In our pursuit of keeping everyone dedicated to their passions, we recognize the transformative potential of passion to create extraordinary things. "We Keep You Alive" is a collaborative project with Sqweez Animal, an iconic Thai alternative band, specifically the main singer who has passed away. Together, we aim to revive his unfinished last song, leveraging the contributions of artists from Alive United. By utilizing their stock photos and videos, we're creating a new music video for this track, demonstrating that Alive United can bring any passion to life.

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